It's that time of year again and the Beer Festival is under way.
It is the third time it has been held in the cathedral - a wonderful setting. I went to the CAMRA member preview session yesterday from 4pm. Here are a few photos.
Entrance is from the south side of the cathedral this year.
They had a few glitches to start with, but it was pleasant in the sun chatting to others waiting to get in.
I got inside at about 4:20. There is stillage along the side of the nave this year
A number of beers weren't ready yet so I went for a lucky dip approach. My first 1/2 pint of beer was the nicely named Wolf Whistle. Light and hoppy. A good start.
Outside in the marquee I found Chris behind the bar - a fellow U3A Long-distance walking group member and formerly William's cello teacher.
The beers are along the length of the marquee too and I also found on the bar Dan who I helped out behind the bar 2 years ago and one of the ladies from the BCMS tuckshop.
I had a seat at a table in the nave.
At 5:30 the Dean addressed us to formally open the festival - "The only beer and cider festival in a cathedral in the country", he said proudly.
There is seating outside the marquee too.
It was not too busy, as you can see.
That's my seat at the table at the front.
I also said hello to Martin, another walking friend who was serving behind the bar. I started to feel a little guilty about not volunteering this year, but I know they will most need volunteers for the busy Saturday and Sunday sessions when we will be away.
The Honington Ladies Choir sang.
I got this one on recommendation and thought Kirsty would like to see... a chocolate Old Peculier.
There were a couple of chaps in the cloisters from
Alkemy, a local company that started up last year distilling sugar beet (rather than cane) to make an unsweetened sort of rum. They were giving tastings.
"The world's first sugar-beet spirit" says the headline in
this story.
I wasn't convinced I liked it - surprisingly dry and rather different from your usual spirit. Good luck to them.
Time to go to my tasting now... and then on to this afternoon's Beer Festival session. More anon!
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