Friday, 27 December 2024

Weekend Quick Cryptic 119 - Solution

Merry Christmas to all out Solvers! Phil Jordan, Sawbill and I are continuing to produce our series of Weekend Quick Cryptic crosswords. We take turns, publishing one a fortnight, and this week it's Phil's turn. 

You can find a link to the crossword here and the answers below.  Feel free to leave any comments or questions here as you would do on  TfTT You can find an index to the complete series of crosswords here. 

Before looking at the answers, if you would like some additional help, click the label below.

Hints and tips...

Some hints and tips:
  • It helps to know the NATO phonetic alphabet for 1A.
  • 13A refers to a Victorian fashion item for ladies.
  • The sash at 22A is worn around a Japanese kimono.
  • 12D is based on a famous song from 1948.
  • 16D refers to the first line in Shelley's poem.
And click on this label to get the solution.

Solution and explanation of the answers...

Definitions  underlined in bold italics , ( Abc )* indicating anagram of Abc,{deletions} and [] other indicators.
1 Charlie to assess dilapidated vehicle (5)
CRATEC (Charlie in the phonetic alphabet) RATE (assess).
4 Have an inkling about someone in the frame (7)
SUSPECT – Double definition
8 Misfit from strange island abroad (3,3,3)
ODD MAN OUTODD (strange) MAN (island) OUT (abroad).
9 Scotsman's to stir tea (3)
TAE – [stir] (tea)*.
10 Look back to see fortress (4)
KEEP – PEEK (look) reversed -> KEEP.
11 Red bass I put out for cormorants or gannets (8)
SEABIRDS – (red bass I)* [put out].
13 Fuss about something making bum look big (6)
BUSTLE – Double definition, the second a cryptic hint.
14 Endless fruit for ruler (6)
SULTANSULTAN{a} (fruit) without the last letter [endless].
17 Healthy dandy isn't out of place (4,4)
FITS WELLFIT (healthy) SWELL (dandy).
19 Come to grief on outing (4)
TRIP – Double definition the first a cryptic hint.
22 Sash - Old but important to begin with (3)
OBI – Initial letters of Old But Important [to begin with].
23 Tortured to find one's coat here? (2,3,4)
ON THE RACK – Double definition, the second a cryptic hint.
24 Almost fasten slumberwear (7)
NIGHTIENIGH (almost) TIE (fasten).
25 He fails to win in Oslo series (5)
LOSER – Hidden in OsLO SERies.
1 Recognise time keeper (5)
CLOCK – Double definition.
2 Speak about one's home? (7)
ADDRESS – Double definition, the second a cryptic hint.
3 Dutch cheese made imperfectly (4)
EDAM – (made)* [imperfectly].
4 Violently attacks revered person with broken nose (6)
STONESST (Saint; revered person) [broken] (nose)*.
5 Be idle - it's strangely concerning! (3,5)
SIT ABOUT – (it’s)* [strangely] ABOUT (concerning).
6 Take part in urgent errand (5)
ENTER – Hidden in urgENT ERrand.
7 Initially the justification for betrayal (7)
TREASON – First letter, [initially], of The, REASON (justification).
12 Leisurely transportation - to China? (4,4)
SLOW BOAT – Cryptic definition based on the 1948 song. Hear it sung by Peggy Lee and Bing Crosby here.
13 Clown has nothing on behind fan (7)
BUFFOONBUFF (fan), O (0; nothing) ON.
15 Two sailors head South - they're fierce (7)
TARTARSTAR TAR (two sailors) S (south).
16 Carefree, like Shelley's skylark (6)
BLITHE – Double definition, the second based on this poem, which starts, “Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!”.
18 Article found in earth in garden (5)
THING – Hidden in earTH IN Garden
20 Fireside game? (5)
POKER – Cryptic definition.
21 Occasionally she calls "Shut up!" (4)
SEAL – Alternate letters of, [occasionally],  ShE cAlLs.


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