Wednesday 15 February 2023

Rainy Tokyo at Night

Is John in Japan, all of a sudden?

No. But there is a reason for showing that photograph....

As I visited The Grumpy Goat in Bardwell today before this walk, I spotted some paintings on the walls.

I instantly recognised then as the work of the painter Leonid Afremov. I looked them up on his website tonight. They are Rains Rustle in the Park:

and Freshness of Cold in the Evening.

They took me back nearly 10 years to 2013, when Sarah was in her last year at Hardwick Middle School. In Art they were given a project to come up with a piece of art in whatever style they chose and the results were put on display at an exhibition.

Sarah chose to combine her love of things Japanese with Afremov's style to create a painting based on the photograph shown at the top of the post. She spent many, many hours over it. This was the result...

To give you some idea of scale, the description underneath is on an A4 sheet of paper. This is a full frame view of the painting.

Great detail, I think, and you can see how she had used Afremov's style of bright neon colours and little dabs of paint.

There was general consternation among her peers when the Art teacher awarded first prize to a boy who had knocked something up using Minecraft over an hour or so, as they didn't think the teacher knew how easy it was to do. Sarah's piece got awarded "Highly Commended" by the teacher. But there was also an award for the 'People's Choice' - everyone in the class (and attendees at the exhibition) were invited to nominate their own prize for best piece of work... and Sarah won it by a landslide!

Well done Sarah! We had it on the mantlepiece in the living room for quite a while before putting it away somewhere safer to stop it getting damaged accidentally.

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