Monday 27 February 2023

Wickhambrook Walk

Today we had our first walk in a while in the Wickhambrook area,

I think the last one was the one I led in September (see here), but we were going in a different direction today. This was the invite from Joyce for today.

"Monday 27th Feb - Please park at Wickhambrook Church car park (opposite Church) CB8 8XH.  We will start walking at 10.30am. Please note there aren’t any toilets or coffee stops (that I know of) along the way. Expect spring flowers during this 10-11 mile walk. We will take in Stradishall, Denston Park and Wickhambrook. Do get in touch if you’d like a lift from Ipswich, Mildenhall or Bury."

We met opposite the church as planned. This was our route. 

Here are a few of my photos.

There were 7 of us today. Here is Joyce giving us her introduction to the walk.

The first part of the route was very familiar. We passed the pond with the topiary hens. There were eggs for sale just over the road, but I don't think they were laid by these.

Nobody tried wading through the ford, unlike some in the past (hello Jane). It was just a bit full for that today.

Soon we were at Maltings End. Bank House, here used the be the village (Lloyds) bank.

I recognised this thatched cottage at Attleton Green too.

But now we headed off on quiet country roads I'd not walked before. We passed some lovely houses... 

,,,and got some great views.

Joyce spotted something in a field in the distance. Was it cows? No it was a group of people on horseback. A hunt, perhaps?

Our drinks stop was at Stradishall.

The pavilion by the playing field is fairly recent.

We visited St. Margaret, Stradishall church.

We found a hedgehog hotel signposted at the side of the churchyard.

I was interested in the bells.

I recognised the notation for a change from this U3A online talk 

They have a couple of memorials to bellringing feats.

Some daffodils were out....

...and the garden next door had these pretty, delicate flowers, which I think are white hoop petticoat daffodils.

Now we were back on familiar paths. As we headed towards Denston we got a glimpse of Wickhambrook Church, where we started, illuminated by the sun.

We walked through the estate of Denston Hall and past the lake with a view of the hall beyond.

There were swathes of snowdrops in the copse between the gates of the estate and the houses of the village.

We walked down to the bridge over the River Glem and Bridge Cottage.

We paused here, sheltered from the wind for a sandwich stop.

We could see Hawkedon Church...

...Stansfield mill...

...and Stansfield church.

Walking past the Wickham House Bungalows, I was surprised to see some heather in flower. Was that what Joyce meant by "spring flowers" in her invite?

We got a good view of 15th/16th century Giffords Hall as we passed. The scaffolding for the work on the house has gone now.

I managed to catch a buzzard overhead on camera.

Lots of blue sky now with a few fluffy clouds.

Our third hall was the Grade II listed Clopton Hall, not to be confused with its namesake near Rattlesden which has featured on many walks on this blog.

Wickhambrook Fire Station is just across the road.

"Miranda would like this sky", said Joyce.

Out footpath led us through the grounds of the house with the peacock sculpture - another familiar landmark from previous walks.

Not far to go now to get back to our starting point.

Our last patch of snowdrops for the day....

...just before we reached the splendid White House opposite the church that was once an inn and, between 1940 an 1980, housed the local doctor's surgery

And here we are back at All Saints, Wickhambrook Church.

Thank-you Joyce for the walk and the others for the company.

You can see more of my photos here on Flickr and more details of our route here on MapMyWalk.

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