Sunday 18 August 2024

A Surprise Birthday Treat for Kevin

I few weeks ago I got an email from Kevin's wife Lynne...

It said "I’m organising a surprise birthday event for Kevin’s 70th on Sunday 18th August, and wondered whether you might like to join in?

Briefly, it is due to start and end at St Andrews, Cobham, approx. 12pm-3pm or a tad later, and will involve a ride in a London bus [conductor, Alan Bolton!] and a picnic lunch. There will be a few of his most long-standing SMS/Tudor Singers friends there including Guy, as well as friends from Cobham and family from further afield.

The idea is that he will go for the usual coffee after church, albeit with some bubbly and cake, then out of the blue, Alan and Guy will appear and sing ‘A Transport of Delight’ (97 horse power omnibus) and escort him out to the bus which – all being well – will have snuck in to the church car park… where the friends who are not part of St Andrews itself will be waiting.

Kevin knows nothing about this, so I’d be grateful if you could take great care when replying to ensure it does not go to him by mistake! "

That sounded fun and we had nothing in the calendar for today, so Dawn and I agreed to go. And this week we got an update...

"At about midday, after I’ve given them the nod, Alan and Guy will arrive in Churchgate House and launch into ‘A Transport of Delight’ (97 horse power omnibus) accompanied by David Fuge, the church organist . They will take Kevin outside, where all being well a large red Routemaster bus will have arrived, and where you will be waiting to wish him a happy birthday. After time for a few photos, we will get on the bus and go for a ride over to Epsom Downs.

I’ll be providing a picnic lunch for everyone. If the weather’s good, please bring a rug to sit on. (If you cannot manage that easily, please let me know. We will have some limited space for folding chairs). If it’s wet, we’ll eat the picnic on the bus. The bus will eventually make its way back to Churchgate House, where the plan is to have more cake, and informal singing! The whole thing should end around 3pm."

Amazingly, Lynne had managed to keep it all secret from Kevin. We had an uneventful 120 mile drive going via the Dartford crossing and arrived in good time find Guy in the Car Park.

Here are a few photos.

It turned out that Guy had not met Dawn since he visited us briefly in 2001.

The bus arrived.

Alan Bolton was the conductor.

A few others had arrived, including sister Sue and Kevin's brother Nigel and wife Christine who I hadn't seen for about 44 years! Lynn came out of the church hall - time for Alan and Guy to give the surprise song.

And here comes Kevin looking suitably gobsmacked.

Everyone aboard.

The interior was decorated with balloons.

That's Liz behind Sue and Dawn. Although I've met Liz plenty of times before and since, Dawn had only me her the once, about 20 years ago at Ickworth House.

Alan handed out tickets. I didn't need my bus pass.

Our route to Epson Downs took us along some narrow tree-lined roads. I don't think they ever get double-decker buses along there. It was a good job it wasn't an open top bus or some of us might have got wacked by some of the branches that the bus hit.

We arrived at Epsom Downs. We had never been there.

The view from next to the car park where we had out picnic was fantastic.

There was plenty of food to go round. Lots of sandwiches, mini sausages, nibbles and some refreshing fruit.

We couldn't quite see the towers of The City, so I walked 100 yards to get the view without having a tree in the way.

Assembling for a group photo.

Kevin and Lynne.

Back on the bus. We took a less leafy way back.

And here is the bus back in the car park.

Tea and cake followed.

Guy and Alan reprised their Flanders and Swann song....

...and then we collectively sang 3 pieces.

Then it was goodbye to the hall and everyone there...

...and we headed back home.

What a great day out. Well done Lynne and her helpers for all the organising, and many happy returns Kevin.

P.S. I left Kevin with a card including my latest crossword, "And they're Off!", which, coincidentally, was themed around horse racing. In the card I wrote "Happy Birthday Kevin from John... who... Mopes about racecourse (5)... not included in the enclosed".


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