Sunday, 26 January 2025

Burns Night

As we always do on the 25th January, we had a Burns Night supper last night.

It included everything mentioned in this weekend's Weekend Quick Cryptic crossword (see here), and also some cranachan for afters.

Beforehand we had rather a nice post-sunset evening sky.

Here is the (Howie's) haggis, tatties, neeps (and baked beans) ready to go on.

It was my first time making cranachan. Here's how it went...

I did half quantities as it was only the two of us. Here is everything assembled.

This is the recipe (linked to above).

Toasting the oats.

Now folded into the whipped cream.

My mashed raspberries.

And here's the final result.

The verdict? 


To finish with we had a wee dram (or two) of some Benriach 10-year-old whisky which is a typical Speyside and, to me, had notes of heather honey. 

Thank-you Jane! It's very good.

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