Sunday 9 June 2024

Self-Storage Emptied

When we embarked on our kitchen replacement, we knew we were going to have clear everything out of the kitchen. Although we could put some things (like the kitchen chairs) in other parts of the house, we needed to put a lot of stuff in the garage.

But the garage was full already. And so I arranged for us to rent some self-storage to put things from the garage in. I chose Blue Bear Storage which was both fairly local (they have a place on Dettingen Way just opposite the entrance to Glasswells) and reasonably priced (with a 50% discount for the first 8 weeks). 

In the process we managed to get rid of quite a bit with about 5 trips to the recycling centre. The remainder took about 7 car trips to take to the storage. We had a 60 Sq.Ft container, which was just about the right size.

Unfortunately it was on the second tier, so we had to carry everything up and down the stairs.

It is all self-service. We were given a code for the key safe in our allotted container and a code to enter the site.

It was a little difficult to see the display properly to enter the code, but when done it displayed Welcome John Moody and the gate opened.

So now the kitchen is sorted, it was time to reverse the process and bring things back from the storage to our garage. We started on Thursday with a first car load, did two more on Friday and finished the job with two more today.

Here is the container on Thursday after load up the car once.

And here is the container after 3 car loads had been taken home.

And here it is today with the final load removed.

Hooray! All done with a week to spare on the lease. Thumbs up to Blue Bear. Their self-storage service  did just what we needed.

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