Friday, 14 June 2024

Weekend Quick Cryptic 105 - Solution

Phil Jordan, Sawbill and I are continuing to produce our series of Weekend Quick Cryptic crosswords. We take turns, publishing one a fortnight, and this week it's  Phil's turn. 

You can find a link to the crossword here and the answers below. Feel free to leave any comments or questions here as you would do on TfTTYou can find an index to the complete series of crosswords here. 

Before looking at the answers, if you would like some additional help, click the label below.

Hints and tips...

Some hints and tips:
  • In 6A "entertaining" is a hidden word indicator.
  • You need to know the post code for the City of london for 23A, which you might remember from WQC 104.
  • In 14D "perhaps" indicates a definition by example.
  • In 17D the ? also indicates a definition by example.
And click on this label to get the solution.

Definitions  underlined in bold italics , ( Abc )* indicating anagram of Abc,  {deletions} and [] other indicators.
1 In brief, Shakespeare's intention? (4)
WILL – Double definition.
4 Ball and socket in place (3,5)
HIP JOINT – HIP (in) JOINT (place).
8 Situation creating car noise (8)
SCENARIO – (car noise)* [creating].
9 Throw up beginning travel on ship (4)
TOSS – First letter of Travel O’ (on) SS (ship)
10 Feeling weak in loud bar (5)
FRAILF (forte; loud) RAIL (bar).
11 Hesitate after a couple of pints in house (7)
QUARTER – House the verb. QUART (couple of pints) ER (hesitate).
13 Doctor was not ... a doctor? (6)
WATSON –  [doctor] (was not)*.
15 Is in reality changing its sex (6)
EXISTS – [changing] (its sex).
18 A little sewer rat I chased all over the place (7)
ERRATIC – Hidden in sewER RAT I Chased
20 Thin slice is all but keeping hot (5)
SHAVEH (hot) in SAVE (all but).
23 Noise heard again from City house (4)
ECHOEC (City of London postcode) HO (house).
24 Digital agreement (6,2)
THUMBS UP – Cryptic definition.
25 Return attention (8)
INTEREST – Double definition.
26 Adds small children (4)
TOTS – Double definition.
2 Suffer at home with dog (5)
INCURIN (at home) CUR (dog).
3 Pulses fast before I start to land safely (7)
LENTILSLENT (fast) I [start to] Land Safely.
4 Pay attention to the front of Horatio's boat (4)
HARK – First letter of Horatio ARK (boat).
5 One makes record up, somehow (8)
PRODUCER – (record up)* [somehow].
6 Animal not terribly entertaining (5)
OTTER – Hidden in nOT TERribly.
7 Need a hankie, you say? Easy (2,5)
NO SWEAT = Sounds like NOSE WET.
10 A small number opening Friday every week (3)
FEW – First letters of Friday Every Week.
12 Engineer to open it reaching up? (2,6)
ON TIPTOE – [Engineer] (to open it)*.
14 Day in a prison for Nigerian, say (7)
AFRICANFRI (day) in A CAN (prison).
16 Soon getting front of house to occupy (7)
INHABIT – First letter of House in IN A BIT (soon).
17 Visit Canterbury? (3)
SEE – Double definition, the second by example.
19 Sailor due money, we hear, from home (5)
ABODEAB (sailor) and ODE sounds like OWED (due money).
21 Safe jump (5)
VAULT – Double definition.
22 Channel avoided on the radio (4)
DUCT – Another homophone. DUCT sounds like DUCKED (avoided). 


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