Sunday 28 July 2024

Melford Hall

It was a lovely day again today so we thought we'd take a trip out before lunch. It is ages since we had been to Melford Hall, so we thought we'd take a trip to Long Melford to visit it.

We arrived shortly after 11 am and did the new walk around the park before visiting the Hall, which opens at 12.

Here are a few of my photos.

The mobility scooters could come in useful if we visit here with Jane and David next month.

The front view of the Hall.

The paths through the park are nicely mown.

They have little signs like this every now and then. This told us about the old oak trees.

The sheep were all lying in the shade. It was a bit warm in the sun,

From the highest point we got a good view of the church...

..and the Hall.

We did the tour of the rooms in the Hall.

There were signs of Beatrix Potter everywhere. She was a regular visitor and stayed weeks at a time with her coursin.

The gardens are rather nice.

We loved this flower border.

Before leaving, we stopped for a game of  croquet.

I was in the lead most of the way, but Dawn passed me in the end to peg out first.

You can see more of my photos here on Flickr and more details of our route here on MapMyWalk (or download a GPX file here).

Other related walks you can find on my blog include:

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