Saturday 21 November 2020

Times Cryptic Jumbo

I thought this was about a middle of the road Jumbo - maybe slightly harder given my time was nearer an hour than my usual 45 minutes. Several clues went over my head at the time, but I was able to resolve all the parsings in the blog. A couple of unknowns as usual, but there was nothing too difficult, I think. I enjoyed the serendipitous reminder of my home town when a boy and reference to my elder daughter.  A MER at the chemical incorrectness at 52D, but grudgingly accepted, otherwise all good stuff. 1A gets the biggest tick on my copy. Sadly a typo on entering online transcribing from my paper copy left my with a pink square. I must check the grid more carefully when submitting in future (as I keep telling myself when it happens). How did everyone else get on?

Read all about it... )

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