Tuesday 7 December 2021

Quick Crossword of the Year?

It's my turn to come off the blogging team substitutes' bench again today for this crossword of the year - or is it just the year of the crossword? Yes, we've reached Quick Cryptic number 2021! But it's nothing particularly out of the ordinary, just a regular neat QC from Mara today, although it was only when writing the blog that I noticed how many double definitions we had in the Down clues. I liked the dastardly Spanish supporter, but COD to 17D; is it a reference to sleaze perhaps? My LOI was 24A being slightly puzzled at first by who is hugging what. You need to take care to identify the definition correctly in 13D. Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be much to frighten the horses. Well not to me, anyway, as I got through this 4:31. Thank-you Mara. How did the rest of you get on?

Read all about it... )

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