Phil Jordan, Sawbill and I are continuing to produce our series of Weekend Quick Cryptic crosswords. We take turns, publishing one a fortnight, and this week it's Phil's turn.
You can find a link to the crossword here and the answers below. Feel free to leave any comments or questions here as you would do on TfTT. You can find an index to the complete series of crosswords here.
Before looking at the answers, if you would like some additional help, click the label below.
Hints and tips...
Some hints and tips:
- In 14A you need the abbreviation for the musical term for very loud to complete the set of letters for the anagram
- In 20A Head... missing means remove the first letter
- You need to know the post code for the City of london for 12D
And click on this label to get the solution.
Definitions underlined in bold italics , ( Abc )* indicating anagram of Abc, {deletions} and [] other indicators.
3 Put money on Greek character falling short (3)
BET – BET{a} (Greek character) without the last letter, [falling short].
8 Huge tract of land discovered in Mali by archaeologists (5)
LIBYA – Hidden in MaLI BY Arachaeologists.
9 Gets in the way of picnic baskets (7)
HAMPERS – Double definition.
10 Baseball player that can hold his drink? (7)
PITCHER – Doubled definition, the second a cryptic hint.
11 European vegetable (5)
SWEDE – Double definition.
12 Finishing last gin cocktail (6)
ENDING – END (last) (gin)* [cocktail]
14 Playing this very loud creates perfect musical intervals (6)
FIFTHS – (this ff)* (abbreviation for fortissimo; very loud) [playing].
15 Genteel assignation in Kent? (6)
SEDATE – SE (South East; Kent in South East England) DATE (assignation).
17 Was in accord - it's a sin (6)
20 Head of school missing direction sign (5)
ARROW – {h}ARROW, missing the first letter [head… missing]).
21 Rumbles disturbing sleep (7)
SLUMBER – (rumbles)* [disturbing].
24 Avoided drone crashing after soldier returned. (7)
IGNORED – GI (soldier) [returned] -> IG, (drone)* [crashing].
25 Upper House's sports ground (5)
LORDS – Double definition.
26 See there's nothing odd in Henley (3)
ELY – Only the even letters of hEnLeY.
1 Half of footwear a disappointing failure (4)
FLOP – Half of FLIP-FLOP (footwear).
2 Sailor devoured last of food and dropped off (6)
ABATED – AB (Able-Bodied seaman) ATE (devoured) [last of] fooD.
3 Friendly term in Wales for composer (4)
BACH – Double definition.
4 That place belongs to them we're told (5)
THERE – Sounds like THEIR (belongs to them) [we’re told].
5 Satisfyingly enjoyable vandalism (8)
SMASHING – Double definition.
6 Abandon wasteland (6)
DESERT – Double definition.
7 Spread malicious rumours about crazy sad peers (8)
ASPERSED – (sad peers)* [crazy].
12 City still in raptures (8)
ECSTATIC – EC (post code of The City of london) STATIC (still).
13 Keep it to yourself but Toon draw was engineered (3,1,4)
NOT A WORD – (Toon draw)* [was engineered].
16 Brave but heartless loved one (6)
DARING – DAR{l}ING (loved one) without the middle letter [heartless].
18 Back me to meet old vessel and get on board (6)
EMBARK – Me reversed [back] -> EM, BARK (old type of ship; old vessel). A bark is “a ship of small size, square-sterned, without headrails”.
19 A team apart (5)
ASIDE – A SIDE (team).
22 Unappealing - the sort of customer to avoid (4)
UGLY – Double definition, the second a cryptic hint.
23 Back in Staines I refused to get up (4)
RISE – Revers hidden in StainES I Refused.
I think 12a is last=end and anagram of gin. Rather than anagram of last gin
ReplyDeleteI've no idea what I was thinking when I typed that! Thanks. Amended.
DeleteThanks, Phil and John, much enjoyment. SEDATE, ECSTATIC, FIFTHS, ABATED, and IGNORED were my favourites. I had a mistake, putting in SLIP instead of FLOP, thinking SLIP was half of slippers. Oh dear, I should have noticed the definition was not really close!
ReplyDeleteProbably one of the easiest Weekend QC’s for quite a while I think (not that I’m complaining). Only hesitation was on 7dn “Aspersed”. Thanks as usual!
Yes, NHO ASPERSED, but easy to biff from Aspersions. I thought of FF but would not have got LOI FIFTH without the hint, as am not v musical.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise very quick though hesitated over ECSTATIC (COD).
Lots of fun. Thanks vm, Phil and John.
An enjoyable Weekend QC. Know about casting aspersions but hadn’t come across the verb before, so thanks for increasing my vocabulary!
I join Curryowen in putting Slip for 1D, being half of Slippers, but I am going to suggest it is a valid answer. Did I make a slip? Yes. Was it a disappointing failure? Yes again. So I think that, while I accept it is not as good an answer as Flop, it does work. (And here we get into "All Cretans are liars" territory, as if Slip works, it is not a disappointing failure ...)
ReplyDeleteThat apart, a smashing puzzle, full of excellent surfaces and done in 11 minutes. I'll take Phil's word for Bach being a friendly term in Wales (I did wonder when I just had the initial B if there was a composer called Boyo), and I'm not familiar with Aspersed as a verb, but both were well signposted.
Many thanks Phil and John for the blog.
Very enjoyable - thanks Phil and John!
Thanks Phil and John. Now we have a Saturday QC this made a nice Sunday puzzle.
ReplyDeleteMost of the acrosses went in but then I was stuck in the SW but persevered and finished without using the hints.
Worked out SE for Kent but couldn’t understand EC for City until I read the answers. One to remember.
Never heard of ELY meaning ‘to see’ until the penny dropped.
And I started with SLIP then FLIP and finally FLOP.
ARROW and Daring made me smile.
Another with Slip...12a 'ending' made me pause and puzzle, as did 15a 'sedate'. Nice to have these to do on a Sunday! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI feel I must defend flop as against slip on the simple basis that a slip may merely be annoying, but a flop is ALWAYS disappointing. Ian V : ELY doesn't mean 'to see' - it IS a see (ie the area overseen by a bishop). Thanks to all who have commented.
ReplyDeleteGreat fun, thanks. Just one slip stopped us from finishing! Enjoyed Bach, arrow, Ely and hampers most.
ReplyDeleteChris and Francesca