Friday, 14 February 2025

A New Distilling Project

I've decided to have a try at something different...

Absinthe! I found a recipe on the internet here and bought the botanicals I needed that I didn't have already last week. They've all arrived now so today I got started.

This is the recipe

I needed something that would comfortably hold 1.5L of liquor plus the botanicals, so used my brewing demijohn. The amount of botanicals is a lot more than the gin recipes I use.

This is just the wormwood.

Here they are all in the demijohn. What a lot of botanicals!

The recipe calls for 800ml of 43% alcohol as a base, so I used my spirit dilution calculator to work out I needed 920 ml of my 37.5% vodka to proved the same amount of alcohol.

Here is the resulting brew.

Maybe I should have swirled it around as some of the seeds are clinging to the side now. Never mind I can wash them back in at the next stage on 10 days time.

What I'm aiming for eventually should look something like this.

More anon!

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