Tuesday, 18 February 2025

The Jazz Pack at Allanwater Brewhouse

We are back home from Bridge of Allan now, so I now finally have a chance to add a blog post about our Sunday afternoon entertainment.

It was at the Allanwater Brewhouse, Kirsty and David's local brewery and pub. Douglas, who runs it, is keen on live music and they have regular events. Once a month they have a jazz session with the Jazz Pack.

Here are a few photos.

Outside the brewhouse.

The bar

But everyone is served at their tables. Here we are with our beers. David and I had the Dark Cherry Sour, Kirsty had the Winter Spices and Dawn the Procrastinator (to start with).

The group took a while to get ready, This was the view from our table.

Meanwhile our pizzas arrived. Yum! We were a bit hungry after our morning walk in the hills.

Here's the band in action.

I could see the saxophonist's tablet with his music from where we sat. They played traditional jazz and everything was a familiar jazz staple.

They were joined by the singer Janine Capaldi. Her ballads were particularly engaging.

After the interval, for a while, they had a change of personnel on drums and keyboard, but they reverted to the original quintet later.

The beer list on the chalk board was a little out of date.

I like that alongside the bottle display above the bar they has a sign saying "Reluctantly, we serve wine".

In the gents toilet there were a couple of amusing posters.

I rather like the idea that life imprisonment is not such a deterrent if you don't have so long to live. Maybe I should add a crime spree to my bucket list.

A great afternoon of jazz beer and pizza and the band and singer are really rather good... and the entertainment was free!

Thank-you Kirsty and David for taking us along, to Douglas and the team for the environs, beer and pizza and the Jazz Pack for the excellent entertainment. We must time our next visit to listen to them again,

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