Friday 23 November 2018

QC Blogging Day

My first Corelli QC to blog, I think, and what a fun one! I was about two-thirds of the way through it before I spotted what was going on with the across clues. I've seen this device in the Times Concise before, but never in a cryptic. A couple of unknowns for me, but I found the wordplay helpful. The rest seemed fairly straighforward and the theme helped me finish in about an average time. COD to DOUBLE, as it wittily has a double definition....and is half of a double answer.  A QC of just the right level of difficulty, I thought, and cleverly constructed to give us extra entertainment. Thanks Corelli! How did you all like it? [Edit: I should perhaps explain to those who haven't come across it, as it is referred to in the comments, that what we have here is known as a Nina - "a special feature of the crossword grid: a word, words or phrase hidden within a pattern of cells in the completed grid. The word comes from Al Hirschfeld (1903-2003), American caricaturist, who was famous for hiding his daughter's name "Nina" in his drawings".]

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