Monday 7 October 2019

Barrow Walk

This was the invite from Joyce.

Monday October 7th: Please join Miranda and I on a walk from The Old Cow Shed in Barrow at 1pm. Pls park on the road as we might be back after the car park has closed. I am still deciding on a route as it is likely to be very muddy and there are fields to cross (it's good fun!). I estimate that the walk will be about 10 miles. Pls arrive earlier if you would like refreshments at The Old Cow Shed before we start at 1pm.

I was still a bit stiff and tired from yesterday's exertions, but went along. It is a while since I'd walked with Jane, Peter and Miranda, so it was good to catch up with them and nice to be walking in a little group of 5.

This was our route.

We started walking North towards Higham in an anti-clockwise loop via Bunstall Green and Denham.

Here are a few of my photos.

Off we go. Oh I forgot to take any photo at the start!

The Playground. No we didn't go and try the obstacle course....

...we found one of our own! Our planned route included this path.

Path? What path. We were advised to go through the paddock the other side of the fence from it instead.

We chose to go under rather than over the fence.

It would have been rather easier to just walk up this drive, but it was not a public right-of-way.

Higham Church is impressive and a member of the Round Tower Church society.

We loved the round tower....

...and the heads each side of the windows.

 A broken footpath sign - another for Joyce to report.

When we got to this field, we didn't fancy walking across the mud, as the footpath direction sign said, so we went round the edge. Jane and I went one way and the rest the other. Can you spot them?

For the record. Their way was quicker. But we didn't care.

Here we discovered we were the wrong side of a ditch. Fortunately there was a bridge.

We visited Hargrave church, marvelling at the 16th century red-briucked tower.

On our way back past Denham Estate we passed a field with lots of deer.

We also passed the orchard.

Jane sneaked an apple.

Shortly afterwards we passed this little lake..

..and we were soon back at our starting point. Thanks Joyce for the walk, and the others for their company.

You can see more details of our route here on MapMyWalk and more of my photos here on Flickr.

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