Tuesday 15 October 2019

Thurston Walk

Well I wasn't intending to blog today's walk as it was all familiar territory, but it was fun and we saw some interesting things along the way.

This was Joyce's invite...

"I'm offering an additional walk on Tuesday Oct 15th as several people have asked for a 'leg stretch' before Marbella. Therefore we will meet at Skyliner Way at mid day and walk to the Coffee House on Moreton Hall or the pub if that is full, for a coffee/tea before a brisk walk over to Thurston and back on the cycle path. Hopefully our feet should stay dry and we can natter as we go. I will try and plan a 9-10 mile walk for us to enjoy."

This was our route.. although I went home rather than finish with the rest at our starting point in Skyliner way.

It was very convivial. "So where is everyone else who is going to Marbella?", asked Roland. Well it was just Joyce, Peter and myself who were going. "No. This is for people who aren't going to Marbella for a leg stretch", was Joyce's answer. ("And those who were going too, if they wanted", I might have added). Whatevs. The six of us had a lovely walk and, after a slightly chilly start, we got some lovely sunshine. Furthermore, it was great catching up with everyone

Not enough pics to create an album, and I only started taking photos halfway through the walk after comments that it might be forgotten without a blog post, but here are a couple...

We noticed that the trees on the Rougham Estate all had labels in different colours. What is the significance, we wondered?

A splendid old stump.

Crossing the A14 we could see Rougham Church,

More of those labels. Here we could see they said they were Norway Spruice trees from Rougham Estate. But what did the colours mean? A mystery to be reported on when it is resolved. Anne has a frtend who might know, who she will ask. Watch this space!"

We  did the new bridleway alongside the A14, which still had no sign. Nice views across the muddy field...

 ,,,used to grow potatoes.

What was this shopping trolley doing here? I suggested it was an arrangement of the occupant of the caravan had with the bin collectors, but Joyce didn't believe me.

And who can blame her. Does anybody live here? I think not. A bit of an eyesore, we concluded.

Some nice autumn colours at the end of the new bridleway.

We enjoyed walking along the river before intercepting the path coming across this bridge and then across the A14 to Shakers Lane and back from whence we came.

Well that was a lovely walk. Thanks Joyce and my walking companions. And now I had better get on with my packing... Peter is picking me up at 4 am tomorrow. Marbella here we come!

You can see more details of our route here on MapMyWalk.

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