The weather forecast for today wasn't good - winds gusting up to 50mph and some rain showers, but I thought I'd go for a walk anyway. So I headed for Felsham to explore some paths I hadn't done before.
If I'd thought to google, I might have found the walks on this site, but my planned walk was quite similar to one of them.This was my route...
I parked at the Village Hall and did an anti-clockwise route via Felsham Hall, around and through Bradfield Woods and then a few paths to the South and East of the village. It didn't quite work out as planned as there was a path not on the map that meant I turned south towards Brooke Hall instead of the next path and found myself heading for Thorpe Wood. I didn't want to extend my walk that much as the weather wasn't going to get any better and I wouldn't get lunch until I got home, so I took some pleasant and well-walked field edges to the North-East to get back on track.
Here are a few of my photos. Not many today as I was having to keep my camera dry under my waterproof most of the time.
I started at the Village Hall at a little after 11am...
..and had a walk around the churchyard of St. Peter's Church, but didn't try to go inside.
Along this wall in the village were some purple flower spikes in among the faded daffodils. I wonder if they are Camassias?
I also saw this...
Blimey! Passing Felsham Hall a short stretch of path had stiles at both sides of a garden - with gates on top. I'd not seen that before. I think they might have been added to stop the dog escaping.
The paths that passed through fields were very well defined. Thank-you farmers!
There were some lovely bits of hedgerow with mayflower and campions that shielded me from the wind for a while.
I took the public footpath through Bradfield Woods.
There were some ramsons (wild garlic) at the edge of the path...
And masses of them in the woods to either side. The smell was lovely! (Well I like garlic).
I resisted the temptation to pick some to make more wild garlic pesto as I still has a jar and a half in the fridge. I also saw some water avens...
...and yellow rattle.
I passed to the south of the village with a view of the church. I had the option to cut my walk short here, but the rain was still only quite light so I kept going.
This is Moore's Farm which has a moat... and a bridge cross it.
A last stretch into the wind and rain....
...and past the village green.
Then it was pint of Courage Directors indoors(!) at the Six Bells before heading home for lunch.
Well it wasn't quite what I'd planned, but a pleasant walk nonetheless, despite the wind and rain. I think I might go back and explore some more paths soon.
You can see more details of my route here on MapMyWalk.
Fantastic to read about your walk around our little village John, thanks for sharing, Fantastic work Sir.