Friday 23 February 2024

Weekend Quick Cryptic 97 - Solution

Although The Times has bowed to pressure and started providing a Saturday Quick Cryptic crossword, my fellow TimesforTheTimes contributors Phil Jordan, Sawbill and I are continuing to produce Quick Cryptic crosswords to fill the gap left by the Sunday Times not having one. The plan is for us to take turns, publishing one a fortnight, and this week it's my turn. 

You can find a link to this week's crossword here and the answers below. Feel free to leave any comments or questions here as you would do on TfTTYou can find an index to the complete series of crosswords here. 

Before looking at the answers, if you would like some additional help, click the label below.

Hints and tips...

Some hints and tips:
  • There are several thematic references based on a well known song. I have taken a bit of a liberty with the line "For every (22A) that ever there was..." to include some thematic answers that are synonyms for rather than instances of 22A.
  • You need to know (or guess) 2023's OUP word of the year for one answer. The thematic reference in this instance is in the clue rather than the answer.
  • The clue for 1A also contains a thematic reference.
  • The longest clue, 12A ,is a three part charade with "after" being a positional indicator.
  • It helps, but is not really necessary, to remember the wonderful comedy series 'Allo 'Allo for 19D.
  • You can hear the song most of the across clues of the crossword are based on here and see the lyrics here.
And click on this label to get the solution.

Definitions  underlined in bold italics , ( Abc )* indicating anagram of Abc,  {deletions} and [] other indicators.
1 Learned three gad about (8)
GATHERED – (three gad)* [about]. “For every bear that ever there was is gathered there…” and “See them gaily gad about”. In case you are wondering about the clue surface, the definition in the surface is an adjective, but the answer is the past tense of a verb.
6 River passing south of Milan, Ohio that smells awful! (4)
POOHPO (river passing south of Milan) OH (Ohio). And yes there really is a place called Milan, Ohio. It is the birthplace of Thomas Edison.
8 A walk in the park for an outdoor meal (6)
PICNIC – Double definition, the first figurative. From the title of the song.
9 Transport prisoner Evgeny regularly (6)
CONVEYCON (prisoner) and alternate letters of eVgEnY. The answer is also a synonym for BEAR.
10 Starters of yellow okra gratify Indian Hindu ascetic (4)
YOGI – Initial letters, [starters], of Yellow Okra Gratify Indian.
11 Ought emergency room have a place to cry? (8)
SHOULDERSHOULD (ought) ER (emergency room). A shoulder to cry on and another synonym of BEAR.
12 Things washed up on the beach the morning after aircraft finally sinks (6)
JETSAMJET (aircraft) sinkS [finally] AM (the morning).
14 Has set sail carrying items of value (6)
ASSETS – Hidden in hAS SET Sail.
16 I guess I'd change for masquerade (8)
DISGUISE – (I guess I’d) [change]. “…you’d better go in disguise”.
18 Some grizzlies have charm (4)
RIZZ – This is promised word of the year 2023. It’s hidden in, [some], gRIZZlies (BEARS).
20 Puts up with people watching football here (6)
STANDS – Doubled definition, and  synonym for BEARS.
21 Last complete river in Yorkshire (6)
ENDUREEND (last) URE (river in Yorkshire), and a synonym for BEAR.
22 Behave like a right beast (4)
BEARBE (behave like) A R (right). Sadly I couldn't fit TEDDY into the grid too.
23 Purser is at sea? That's unexpected (8)
SURPRISE - (Purser is)* [at sea]. “…you're sure of a big surprise”.

2 Friend from Goa? I'm curious (5)
AMIGO (Goa I’m)* [curious].
3 Nike has manufactured accessories for noses when running (7)
HANKIES - (Nike has)* [manufactured]. A slightly whimsical definition.
4 Fabulous bird biting head off dangerous reptile (3)
ROC – {c}ROC (dangerous reptile) without it’s first letter, [head].
5 Medical professional worried - to a degree (9)
DOCTORATEDOCTOR (medical professional) ATE (worried).
6 Criticise the Spanish jury (5)
PANELPAN (criticise) EL (the in Spanish).
7 Pig out munching tea after a bit of cricket (7)
OVEREATOVER (a bit of cricket) (tea)* [munching].
11 So my sibs and I somehow become people living together in harmony (9)
SYMBIOSIS – (So my sibs I)* [somehow].
13 Is the Parisian penning a Greek character's long letter? (7)
EPISTLEPI (Greek character) in EST LE ("is the" in French).
15 One stepping out in street in front of cyclist (7)
STRIDERST (street) RIDER (cyclist).
17 Lear's daughter dumps the Italian chap who's hopeless (5)
GONERGONER{il} (King Lear’s daughter) without the IL ("the" in Italian).
19 Loves René's pronunciation of the flower of England (5)
ZEROS – Sounds like an ‘Allo ‘Allo pronunciation of THE, ZE,  ROSE (flower of England).
21 One used to listen to organ with drum (3)
EAR – Double definition, the second a cryptic hint.


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