Thursday, 1 February 2024

Felixstowe Sunrise Walk

We've tried this a couple of times before and found it too cloudy to see the sunrise. But not today.

This was the invite from Joyce.

"Thursday February 1st.  Roland (and Theresa) are kindly leading a Felixstowe Sunrise walk.  Please join them at 7.30am outside the Ferry Boat Inn IP11 9RZ (parking in lay-by in front). Public toilets available here. Sunrise is 7.37am. Roland is planning to stop for a breakfast on the route but do bring snacks/drink. The walk is approx. 11 miles and an out and back to the docks and back to Old Felixstowe. "

This was our there-and-back-again route.

Here are some of my photos. 

We met up outside the Ferryboat in as planned. There were 7 of us in all, with one to join us later.

It looked like we would see the sunrise this time,

We weren't the only ones there to see it.

The path was closed so we had to go behind the houses...

...but not before we did this bit of the path towards them.

The sea was very calm. The tide was going out so this was flow from the River Deben.

The back of some beach huts.

We reached the end of the houses and returned to the water's edge just in time.

Now it was along the sea front. 5 miles to go before breakfast.

Looking back north from Cobbold Point to where we had started....

...and forward to the Felixstowe town and docks.

Approaching Martello Park we passed another recent development - the Sea You café. It opened in May 2022. Read about the project to create it here.

The Martello Park development is named after this martello tower. Martello Tower 'P' is now  is one of the stations of the National Coastwatch Institution.

We came to end of the promenade, but were behind the flood defenses.

Over the wall we go.

We walked through Landguard Nature Reserve, which I learned all about on this walk in the 2019 Suffolk Walking Festival.

We arrived at the Landguard Point Viewpoint Cafe. Breakfast!

We had excellent views of Harwich across the Stour estuary...

...and the car ferry heading for Holland.

Here we were joined by our 8th walker - Steve. He had parked nearby and was going to walk back to Old Felixstowe with us and then come back on his own.

The huge container ships are impressive.

Suitably refreshed, we continued out to Landguard Point itself. The path has suffered from a bit of erosion here.

The stack of containers in the port goes on and on.

The point itself.

They have boardwalks here to stop people encroaching on the shingle when the birds are nesting in spring.

Looking back at the MSC Turkiya. It was due to sail before we finished our walk.

There is a lovely sandy beach here.

Back at the beach huts, we kept this side of the flood defences until we got to the pier later.

A view towards the north part of the town and the fine buildings there.

Passing Martello Park again, Sarah and I stopped to read the display boards about the Martello tower, and one about the underground bunker here.

Dawn had a shop she wanted to visit for some trinkets to add to our redecorated bathroom and en-suite.

Back on the promenade once more north of the pier...

...we stopped here for a group photo for Joyce.

Past the beach huts. What had Dawn bought? I wouldn't find out until we got home.

The groyne at Cobbolds Point. Read about the history here.

We continued to retrace our steps to the start of our walk.

In the distance we got a glimpse of BT Martlesham Heath's tower.

And here we are back at the start.

Thank-you Roland and Theresa. Perfect conditions for a sunrise walk all morning and a yummy breakfast half-way. Thanks everyone for the company too.

You can find more details of our 11.7 mile route here on MapMyWalk (or download a GPX file here) (although it's pretty obvious) and see more of my photos here on Flickr.

Other related walks you can find on my blog include:

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