Saturday 2 December 2023

A Modal Crossword Clue

Here's one for my musical friends who do crosswords. From Friday's Times Crossword... 

A … do … mi/E … la one plays in this style (7,4)

The answer is Aeolian mode. Yes it is an anagram... [plays] of (A do mi E Is one), but, this is the clever bit, the wordplay also describes the mode. I couldn't work it out and asked...

I tried to work out how the clue for AEOLIAN MODE describes it, and the significance of the …s and /. Has anyone managed to crack it, or is it just a random collection of notes?

...and Ian R came up with (almost) the answer...

“On the white piano keys, it is the scale that starts with A. Its ascending interval form consists of a key note, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step. That means that, in A aeolian (or A minor), you would play A, move up a whole step (two piano keys) to B, move up a half step (one piano key) to C, then up a whole step to D, a whole step to E, a half step to F, a whole step to G, and a final whole step to a high A.”
Our setter uses diaresis for missing notes, and presents a mix of sol-fa and conventional notes, so A (…B) Do(standing in for C) (…D) E/Mi (same note) (…F) La (standing in for G) and ONE to fill in the rest. It’s scarily accurate and clever." which I added...

Aha. Thanks for deciphering the description of the scale. With the Aeolian mode starting on A I didn’t think of Doh = C, but of course it is for a scale in that mode starting and finishing on La (=A not G), so that ellipsis before La must cover F and G, I think.

As our blogger for the day added, "Beautiful".

How on earth does a setter even imagine that?

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