Sunday 31 October 2021

A Sunday in York with Sarah and William

As I was in York for the Sloggers & Betters Event, I arranged to meet up with Sarah and William for a while before heading for home.

William was going to use one of the electric scooters to get to Sarah's, but it was bucketing with rain so we arranged for me to pick up Sarah and meet at William's place on Heslington Rd and not far from the city centre. I had asked them to decide where they wanted to be taken for lunch, but of course they hadn't, so we did some searching online while we had a cup of coffee.

I was provided with a very entertaining mug for mine...

...and chose Little Asia, a little Korean restaurant only about 5 minutes walk from William's place. Miraculously, the rain had stopped, so off we went.

Studying the menu.

Sarah had Beef Balgogi, William had Roast Duck with Sweet soy sauce and I had the Korean Style roast chicken.

Before he finished, William tried the chopsticks... trying to follow instructions on his phone.

After lunch William led us on a walk around some of the walls and through the city centre. Here are just a few of my photos.

A highlight was the Hebden Tea shop, which had free samples outside.

The Creamy Pistachio Black Tea and Turmeric Chai were very tasty! Inside there were literally hundreds of teas.

After taking Sarah back to her house it was the long drive home, but what a good weekend!

You can see more of my photos here on Flickr.

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