Sunday 8 March 2020

Chippenham Park

My walking friends Miranda and Nicky recently posted photos of their trips to Chippenham Park Gardens in a WhatsApp group we aree all members of that made me realise we had never been here and should go. So we went today. And it was a beautiful Spring Day for it.

By force of habit I mapped our walk, although it was only about 2 miles.

The aerial view does give you some idea of the landscape though.

Here are a few of my photos. Follow the link at the end to see more.

Lovely! Thanks for the tip, Miranda and Nicky. Situated just a couple of miles north of Newmarket, the gardens are open daily from 10 till 4 up to the 22nd March. See the website for more details

You can see more details of our route here on MapMyWalk, and plenty more of my photos here on Flickr.

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