Tuesday 9 August 2022

Glen Lednock, Invergeldie and Ben Chonzie Walk

This morning we drove further up Glen Lednock to the last Car Park a little over half the way up the Glen and did a bot of a climb towards Ben Chonzie.

You can read about the full walk here. I set out not aiming to get to the top as I was targeting finishing by about 1pm, but if we had started an hour earlier, we probably would have managed it. As it was, we were walking for only about 2 1/2 hours.

This was our route - we just retraced our steps when we turned around.

Here are a few photos.

Where we parked in the glen.

We followed the Invergeldie Burn for a while

As we climbed we had a good view back towards Creag Ghorm and Creag Bhuidhe on the other side of the glen.

Dawn was finding the climbing a bit hard.

We left the Invergeldie Burn by the ford and weir here. The water was all passing under the rocks.

A little further and it was getting quite steep and Dawn turned back. On our way back down later we heard from other walkers that she had stopped to sit on a rock and enjoy the view.  We carried on for about another 40 minutes but then turned back ourselves so she wasn't waiting too long.

We found some bilberries....

...and some lovely heather.

we could see the path off to our left that crossed over the ridge to descend to Ardtalnaig on the shores of Loch Tay.

We were on a relatively flat bit now, but we could see our own winding up the slopes ahead.

We could see further and further as we climbed. In the distance the distinctive cone shape is Schiehallion, about 16 miles away and a walk for another time.

We stopped at about 2250ft up, about 3/4 of the way up. Beyond the peak of Creah Gharb above us it would become a much gentler climb for the last 1/2 mile or so to Ben Chonzie, but alas we had run out of time.

Descending much quicker than we climbed, it was only when we got most of the way down that we could see the craggy peaks further down Glen Lednock that we had passed in the car.

We got back down in about 50 minutes, to be reunited with Dawn at the car. It's a shame we never got to the top, but we had a good climb and some splendid views.

You can see more details of our route here on MapMyWalk and more of my photos here on Flickr.

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