It has become a family tradition for me to take the 'kids' to Felixstowe for a walk on Christmas Eve. Sarah (21) and William (18) asked me the other day if we were going to do it this year. But of course.
This was our route, same as usual, although we parked round the corner from Sea Road as all the spaces there were taken.
Here are a few photos. It was a day of blustery showers and quite cold. It was sunny where we started but we could see rain ahead.
Those coats don't look very waterproof, but they assured me they would be OK.
This is new since last year. It should be opening next summer.
William just had to run about on the beach enjoying the waves which were a lot bigger than at Dunwich Heath on Tuesday.
Whilst we were in sunshine, there were clouds ahead.
But the rain had stopped before we got to our "drinks stop". We were pleased to see it was open.
Hot chocolate and marshmallows for these two while I had a cappuccino.
No seals today, but we did see this man readying to go swimming.
Looking back before we rounded Cobbold Point.
This was a far as we went before turning back. Here is the view towards the ferry and Bawdsey the other side of the river.
Climbing the steps.
On our way back now.
Sarah and William were discussing maths as we passed the Cafeole (sic!) van.
It was pretty cold to be sitting out, but at least these folk had some sunshine while they shared their bottle of wine.
Another blustery shower came over.
A last view of the sea and the container ship leaving port.
Well that was lovely as ever. We'll be back next Christmas Eve for sure!
You can see more of my photos here on Flickr and our route here on MapMyWalk.