Saturday 27 March 2021

A Rather Good Jumbo Crossword

Times Cryptic Jumbo 1487 - 13th March

I thought this quite an entertaining Jumbo. It had a fair smattering of easier clues to help you populate the grid but also a few trickier ones with deceptive definitions or ingenious wordplay. As usual, there were a couple of things I didn't know, such as the knitting stitch, the Irish surname and the Marxist term for "the unorganized and unpolitical lower orders of society who are not interested in revolutionary advancement".... a lovely phrase and  a bit like how my Maths teacher wife describes her bottom set of Year 7. A couple of the harder clues gave me some anxiety on compiling the blog as I hadn't checked how the wordplay worked and worried I had got them wrong, e.g. 3D and 7D. My LOI was the sporting event which got cancelled last year; among my favourite clues, but COD goes to 23D with its clever definition and surreal surface. In all it took me about an average time of 45 minutes. Thank-you clever setter. How did everyone else find it?

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