Wednesday 31 March 2021

Denston Walk

Hooray! We can walk in groups of up to six again! And today was the first for me. A reprise, with slight variation, of the Denston Walk I did with Jane recently. But this time we had two groups - Joyce, Gavin, Helen and Steve going clockwise and Jane, Joan, Peter, Steve and myself going anti-clockwise. This was our anti-clockwise route...

Here are a few of my photos...

It was lovely to catch up with Steve, Peter and Joan.

Jane took us a slightly different way at the start to avoid a muddy path which took us past the impressive Gifford's Hall.

There is still some lovely blossom around.

We remembered walking up here before with these trees laden with plums

The last time we came past here, there was a pond!

We enjoyed the statues here.

Oh look. Who's this coming in the other direction? Lol.

We stopped by the log that Jane and I had our lunch at previously. And it started to drizzle! That wasn't in the forecast! But Joan is always prepared.

These daffodils are at their best.

Now it was downhill towards Wickhambrook Church.

We passed the impressive White House opposite the church - the former doctor's surgery.

I hadn't spotted this before, though...

The decorator we stopped to chat to said they are tiny one-bedroom cottages.

Jane couldn't resist walking through the ford.

And soon we were back at Denston Church.

As we returned to the car park we looked out for our fellow walkers coming the other way, but we were 10 minutes ahead of them.

Oh it's so great to be able to meet up with walking friends again! Thanks Joyce for arranging it and Jane for leading us round.

You can see more of my photos here on Flickr and more details of our route here on MapMyWalk.

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