Friday 5 March 2021

I Have Measured Out My Life With Coffee Spoons

It is a favourite line of poetry for me, from T.S.Eliot's brilliant Lovesong of Alfred J Prufrock, 

"Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table;..."

I bought the book of poems The Wasteland that includes it inspired by one of the Leonard Bernstein's The Unanswered Question lectures, and this line is so true of me.

I make a pot of fresh filter coffee every day, counting out 5 spoons of coffee every time. And, to remind me and others in the house who drink it what it is, I pin the description of the coffee from the packet on my noticeboard in the kitchen on top of the pile of others.

This Taylors blend is a favourite, but I never use the same one twice in a row. Every now and then I check my pile for duplicates and remove them. This is the deduplicated set of coffees I have brewed in the last year or so...

I truly have measured out my life with coffee spoons. I grow old... I've not heard the mermaids murmur each to each [Update: Oh I see I misremembered this line It should be "singing" not "murmur", but I rather like my misremembrance], but I do dare to eat a peach. I think rereading this will have my bedtime reading for tonight sorted.

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