Here is our route of a little over 6 miles.
It was a lovely sunny afternoon and all the rain showers passed over to the north. When we got to the sea front, the view East went on forever across to the beaches of Hayling Island.

Here are the 3 of them squinting into the sun.

Some of us wished we had brought our swimming costumes.

It was warm enough!
We especially liked the "Local Information" provided by the lifeguards. Fortunately we had no mishaps beyond a bit of sunburn for Young Miss, who neglected to slip-slop-slap.
We liked the Japanese garden and Rose garden. These were my favourite of the roses.

Strange waterfowl they have here!

We visited the pier and had a welcome ice cream in the shade for a few minutes.

There were nice views in both directions. This is looking towards the Pyramids and Southsea Castle.

We spotted the passenger hovercraft on its way over to the Isle of Wight.

We got to the castle just before it closed so only had a couple of minutes to visit. We'll be back!

So then it was back to Miss L's place for some yummy fresh fish and chips. You can see details of our route here and a more of my photos on Flickr.
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