Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Pickling Update

We ran out of pickled onions. Hmm. Maybe Tassel Pickles should go back into production. But there wasn't long till lunch so I needed a quick recipe. So I combined 2 recipes from my Joy of Pickling book - "Basic Pickled Onion Rings" (always great with burgers) and "English-pub-styled pickled onions" and used the shallots I had on the vegetable rack.

Yes. This is what was left after the meal. They still need a bit longer to fully pickle, but thuumbs up to the experiment.

Meanwhile we are working our way through last season's chilli produce. We are now onto one of the big jars of pickled jalapeños.

But we still have plenty left...

Chilli sauce, Chilli Jam or Chilli chutney, anyone?

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